5 Things To Know When Filing A Drunk Driving Accident Claim

When a person has been involved in an accident caused by a drunk driver, it can overwhelm the victim. While you may have had no part in creating this situation, you now face serious physical and financial damages that must be addressed. Although dealing with a drunk driver causing injuries is stressful, filing a claim against the responsible party is your best bet when seeking compensation. While this step can help to relieve some of the burdens on your shoulders, it’s essential to do so carefully.

Understand the legal consequences of filing a claim for a drunk driving accident

If you are involved in a drunk driving accident and seek to file a compensation claim, there are several key things that you need to be aware of first. Such accidents are considered criminal, so that the legal consequences can be severe, including large fines and jail time. A conviction also leads to a permanent record for the offender.The offender can be able to apply for a bail in order to get out of imprisonment. Understanding these potential repercussions is essential to pursue a legal claim. 

Your claim against the responsible party might be commingled with their criminal sentence in certain instances. What’s more, it’s important to remember that when filing a legal claim related to a drunk driving accident, it’s likely that evidence collected by law enforcement officers and reports made during an investigation will play an essential role in determining the outcome of your case. Knowing this information prior to beginning the process may better equip you with what to expect throughout each step of making a successful accident claim.

Know the time limitations on filing the claim

It is important to be aware of the statutes of limitations when filing a claim for injuries caused by a drunk driver. Depending on the state, a claim must be filed within two to four years or risk losing the right to sue for damages. You should not wait to start collecting evidence and planning your legal strategy after you or someone you love has been injured by a drunk driving accident. Gathering the necessary information promptly will help ensure that you file in time and make the most convincing case possible. The sooner a lawsuit is filed, the easier it will be to recover monetary damages.

Learn the insurance policy coverage for a drunk driving accident

When a drunk driver causes an accident, resulting in injuries, it’s important to understand what type of insurance coverage you can access to obtain compensation for your losses. It can be complicated, depending on the nature of the accident and the parties involved. Before filing a claim for a drunk driving incident, investigate each policy coverage category available under the law. 

This includes any applicable motor vehicle insurance policies belonging to the at-fault driver and any other potential third-party sources that may provide coverage for any costs not covered by the motor vehicle policy. Understanding these options will give you a solid foundation to pursue appropriate legal action and financial compensation.

Gather evidence to support your case and prove the fault

When filing a drunk driving accident claim, gathering evidence is essential to establish who was at fault in the crash and demonstrate the extent of any damages or injuries. Ensure to preserve any video footage from cameras or surveillance systems that may have captured images of the incident. Also, ensure that medical records can prove precisely what happened during the accident and show how much it cost you financially. 

Additionally, collect witness statements when possible, as hearsay and eyewitness accounts can provide invaluable insights about the guilty party’s actions before the collision. If a drunk driver caused injuries, try to obtain detailed information about their intoxication level, such as blood-alcohol levels or sobriety test results. You should also photograph property damage, physical injuries, and skid marks to document the details of your case. Don’t let potential negligence resulting from a drunk driver go unaccounted for – with proper records and documents. You can get the compensation you deserve.

Seek advice from an attorney who specializes in drunk driving accidents

Filing a claim against the driver responsible for causing serious injuries in a drunk driving accident can be complicated and lengthy, but it is important to ensure that you receive the compensation you are owed. To get the best outcome, seeking counsel from an attorney specializing in these cases is wise. 

This type of lawyer will uniquely understand how to evaluate your damages and attach them to the liable parties, ensuring that all relevant areas are considered. An experienced specialist will also be well-versed in filing necessary documents and will recognize any legal loopholes that may slow down or even prevent you from collecting what you deserve for your injuries.

As you can see, filing a drunk driving accident claim is problematic. Understanding the legal consequences, knowing time limitations, learning the insurance policy coverage, gathering evidence, and seeking specialized advice from an attorney are important steps to be taken when filing such a claim. Doing your due diligence in these areas will help ensure you receive the compensation you are entitled to on time. 


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