The Asher House Girlfriend: Lee Asher’s Relationship and Animal Rescue Work

Lee Asher is known for his animal rescue work, especially with dogs. However, there have been rumors about his relationship with Luke Barton. This article clarifies Lee Asher’s relationship status and his animal rescue work.

Lee Asher’s Relationship Status

Lee Asher is not married, nor is he currently in a romantic relationship with Luke Barton. The two men are simply good friends who share a passion for animal rescue. The rumors about their relationship have been debunked, and Luke Barton has stated that he has no sexual relations with Lee Asher. Lee Asher has previously dated women, including Ana Rubiolo and Sydney Febrache.

Lee Asher’s Animal Rescue Work

Lee Asher and Luke Barton work together to promote animal rescue, particularly with dogs. They have saved more than 500 stray dogs to date and have even established a shelter in Estacada, Oregon. Lee Asher is also a businessman who produces cannabis-derived supplements for dogs. Their work has gained media attention, with features in The Washington Post and Ellen’s show.

The two men are passionate about animal rescue and have volunteered with animal rescue organizations and animal shelters to host unique events that bring attention to animals in need of rescue. After rescuing dogs, they show them affection and rehome them.


Lee Asher’s relationship status has been clarified, and it has been confirmed that he is not in a romantic relationship with Luke Barton. Both men share a passion for animal rescue and have worked together to rescue more than 500 stray dogs. They have also established a shelter in Estacada, Oregon, and produce cannabis-derived supplements for dogs. Their work has gained media attention, and they continue to promote animal rescue.

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