The Top 10 Reasons to Get Facebook Likes

“Likes” on Facebook are like a billboard for your brand. Likes make your page more authentic and popular. When a page gets more likes, it automatically gets featured more on news feeds. So, getting likes on Facebook is crucial to your page’s success. So, we decided to delve deep into the “likes” business. In this article, we will discuss Facebook likes, why you should work for them, and how you can get Facebook likes.

Why Should You Get Facebook Likes?

  1. User engagement

Research suggests that people who invest their time in clicking on the “like” button are more likely to engage with your page. These users are the ones who are ready to explore Facebook and do not shy from clicking on websites’ links as well. They also are the ones who tend to have more friends than the user who just scrolls through his newsfeed without leaving any reactions.

  1. Casual interest escalates into personal relations

Users who “like” your posts or page are in a way expressing interest in your products and services. They have a high chance of converting into a customer. You need to approach people who have liked your posts and it can lead to the development of personal relationships with the users.

  1. Email marketing

One great feature of Facebook is that it adds all the people who have liked your posts to a fan base. You can message these people using the messaging option. This option can be found in the administrative menu of your page. Facebook allows you to send broadcast messages wherein you can select the receivers using filters such as geographical location, age, and gender. Just do not go overboard with this option. Nobody likes spam emails.

  1. Viral content

Content that you posted on Facebook may or may not appear in users’ newsfeeds. It all depends on several factors such as the time of posting, your page’s reputation, and most importantly the number of likes it has received. A well-liked post will be preferred by the Facebook algorithm and will be pushed to newsfeeds. Whenever a well-liked post appears on a user’s newsfeed that has been liked by their friends, they are also likely to react to that post. This can result in your content going viral.

  1. Increase in website traffic

As we have discussed above, users who like posts are likely to visit the brand’s website as well. This increases the traffic on your website which is a positive thing. Alternatively, you can also embed a “like” button on your website. Whenever a user clicks that button on your website, it will be published on their newsfeeds. This can lead their Facebook friends to check out your page and website. So, you will have increased likes on your Facebook page and increased traffic on your website.

  1. Better search results

Once a post is liked on Facebook, it becomes a part of the Facebook graph. This can lead to the page or post appearing on multiple news feeds. It also enables the posts and pages to appear more in searches.

  1. Targeted advertisements

Will it not be easier to create advertisements if you have a list of people who have liked your posts? Facebook provides you with this option wherein you can create targeted advertisements by filtering your future customers by using different parameters such as age, gender, and location. When you know your user base, it is much easier to create advertisements that can hit their nerves.

  1. Facebook Insights

There is an analysis tool on Facebook that is called “Facebook Insights”. It provides you with detailed insight into the below topics:

  • Fan activity on the page
  • Age of fans
  • Gender of fans
  • Location of fans

All this data is crucial to conducting marketing research and creating advertisements.

  1. Endorsements

More likes on Facebook means that your page gets noticed by big corporations. This will lead to you receiving endorsement deals from them. You will get to promote their products in your posts on your page. This will get you more user visits on your page.

  1. Brand Reputation

The most obvious effect of getting more likes on your page and posts is that your brand reputation increases. The more your page is liked, the more it shows on newsfeeds. This leads to an increase in traffic on your page and when the user visits your page, they are sure to be impressed by the number of likes on your page. “Likes” act as social proof of your reputation and popularity.

How to Increase Your Facebook Likes Count?

  1. Work on your page and content

What attracts your users first to your page is its layout. A well-chosen profile picture and cover photo along with complete details about your page is an eye-catcher. Your content should also resonate with your audience.

  1. Collaborate with other influencers

Being part of a community on Facebook that caters to the same niche market as you is a great way to get more likes. You can get more users from their pages and gain some insights into creating more personalized content.

  1. Use paid methods

You can always get more likes by choosing paid advertisements or by using sites that offer genuine “likes” for a certain amount of money. Both these methods can help you accumulate a lot of likes.

  1. Cross-promotion

Cross-promoting your page on other social media channels and your website is another way to gain more likes on your page.

So, we believe this article will solve all your queries about “likes” on Facebook. We have tried our best to list all the important reasons behind working for “likes”. Also, there is a certain social media growth tool called FB Post Likes that you can use for gaining more “likes”. It is a scam-proof site where you can start with a small investment for a decent amount of likes. So, give it a try and keep reading our articles for more such gems.



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