Whether massage can cure and how to choose a specialist

Scientists do not yet have conclusive evidence that massage helps back pain or headaches, although there is weak evidence in its favor. In general, the evidence suggests that massage can provide short-term relief from low back, neck, shoulder, and knee pain, but its long-term effects are unclear. Some experts recommend it as an adjunctive therapy for acute and chronic pain.

There is also evidence that massage improves the quality of life of people with fibromyalgia, which is muscle pain because it reduces discomfort, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. However, in most cases, muscle pain goes away on its own, and there are no studies that show that massage will speed up this process.

For the most part, people just like body massage. When a doctor prescribes it as a treatment for muscle or other pain, the patient is satisfied. And since massage has virtually no side effects, it is one of the safest complementary therapies available.

There are areas where massage can really be considered a therapeutic effect: these are conditions where it is necessary to increase lymphatic drainage and microcirculation. Here, the temporary effects of massage, which take 15-20 minutes, come in very handy. Lymphatic drainage massage is used in the treatment of lymphostasis, lymphedema – lymphoedema, and it is also needed for bedridden patients to improve blood circulation.

A healthy person may need lymphatic drainage massage as a pleasant procedure, but not as a recovery. As a rule, when a person walks independently and has no peculiarities, for example, lymph nodes have not been removed due to a tumor, his muscles themselves contribute to the flow of blood and lymph, and strong swellings do not form. If they are, you should not go to a lymphatic drainage massage, but to a doctor to first find the cause.

Should you tolerate pain during a massage?

Pain during a massage should only be tolerated in one case: if it is important to develop the limb after an injury or surgery if movement is to be restored during the rehabilitation process.

There is no reason to consider painful massage more effective, and it can be dangerous. Some discomfort during the session is possible, but severe pain is best avoided.

Sometimes after a painful massage, back or muscle pain may be reduced – due to the body producing compounds that desensitize the body. However, this is a temporary effect and will quickly pass. There are no significant advantages of a painful massage over a regular massage.

Some people like a harsher impact, others like it the other way around. Both are purely a matter of taste.

How to choose a masseur

Signs of a bad massage therapist. There are several “red flags” that show that it is better not to go to a specialist:

  1. Treats everything indiscriminately with massage, from flat feet to toothaches. This is dangerous: usually, such specialists sincerely believe in what they are doing and can harm people who need medical help.
  2. Makes diagnoses and insists on treatment with a course of massage. As a rule, such specialists intimidate with terrible diseases and make clients believe that something is wrong with them, parasitizing their fear of getting sick. This is unacceptable.
  3. Uses before and after photos. This usually involves manipulating the light and the posture of the person in the photo. In the case of anti-cellulite massages, it is important to remember that people who want to improve their figure usually also watch their diet, exercise, or use other methods. Because of this, it is unclear what exactly helped.
  4. He uses barbaric methods in his work – he leaves bruises, traumatizes soft tissues, and considers it normal. Even worse – if he explains their appearance by stagnation of blood, removal of toxins or poor energy of the client. Any justification of violence does not contribute to mental stability and stress relief. It is worth immediately refusing the services of a specialist who hurts and convinces that it is useful and right.

In addition to specialized education, the choice should also be guided by client feedback, work experience, and the personal qualities of the specialist – whether you like him as a person or not. Otherwise, it will be difficult to attend sessions. You can read the blog of the masseur on social networks to get acquainted with him and see what he writes, and whether he promotes useless methods.

It is equally important that the masseur observes cleanliness and order at the workplace. There must be a massage table, a sink for washing hands, clean towels, and sheets.

If the massage therapist uses tools, they must clean and wash them before each session. All tools should be kept in a separate place.

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