3 Things You Should Never Do After a Back Injury

Whether you’re injured at work, or you twist your back lifting something at home, back injuries are incredibly common. They affect millions of people worldwide regardless of age or location and can be incredibly painful.  That’s why there are so many safety regulations set in place to avoid serious injuries on the job.

Besides causing a considerable amount of discomfort, back injuries can bring your entire life to a grinding halt. 

Perhaps one of the most important things to know about back injuries is that the healing process is often slow, and can result in a considerable amount of downtime. And while there are plenty of things you should be doing to promote the healing process, there are perhaps just as many if not more things you should not be doing. Here are some things you should never do following a back injury.

Ignore The Pain

One of the worst things you can do is pretend like the injury doesn’t exist at all. Ignoring the pain can lead to serious injury and further problems down the road. Forget about trying to tough it out and keep going despite your discomfort. Continuing your regular activities can exacerbate the issue, turning a mild issue into a serious one. The last thing you want is a herniated disc or chronic back pain as a result of your stubbornness.

If your back starts hurting at the slightest, you want to stop whatever activity you’re doing and rest. Your body is trying to communicate to you that whatever you’re doing is causing further damage. So don’t ignore your body’s cues, and stop whatever hurts!

Stay Immobile

On the flip side, many people think that resting indefinitely is the solution to their back injury. And while that may seem practical to stay immobile and not move at all, the truth is that failing to move enough can actually increase your injury’s severity. You want to move every now and then and avoid staying completely inactive. 

The most important thing to focus on is balance. A healthy equilibrium between controlled and gentle movement and rest is critical for keeping your muscles strong and not stiffening up.

Lifting Heavy Objects

Perhaps you are unloading groceries, or you have been needing to clean the garage for a while. There are all sorts of reasons why you may need to lift something heavy.  As much as you might be tempted to do it just once, the truth is that even one pound too much can result in serious injury. 

Refrain from lifting any items until you’re fully healed. This may mean asking for help, which may not be easy for everyone. However, you must remember that healing is more important than your pride, so don’t be afraid to ask for a hand if you need it!

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