Cary Booker II – Family, Health and Education.

Cary Booker ii is the brother of Cory Booker, an American politician, author, and lawyer. Cary Booker II’s brother was the mayor of Newark and is the current senator for New Jersey. Cary Booker II was born on April 10, 1967. His brother Cory refers to him as his third parent since he molded and nurtured his character since he was young. Cary’s brother describes him as a kind, gentle man with a depth of goodness and decency.
Cary Booker II has a daughter, but details of her daughter’s mother are not public. His daughter’s name is Zelah. Cary’s parents are Cary Booker and Carolyn Booker, and they were the first black executives for IBM
In 2021, Cary Booker II suffered a stroke; he struggled with talking and doing other daily activities, and he’s been recovering through the support of his brother, other family members, and friends. Cory Booker shares a video of his brother and how he has been healing.
In his education, Cary went to the Northern Valley Regional High School, Old Tappan, with his brother Cory.
Cary Booker worked as an administrator at Rutgers University in Newark before landing a job in Governor J. Murphy,s administration as he worked as an assistant commissioner in the early childhood education department. Murphy expressed confidence in Cary Booker, stating his commitment to public education comes without qualification.
Most people felt that Cary got the job in Governor Murphy’s administration since he was the brother of New Jersey senator Cory Booker. With the failure of his charter schools, people regarded Cary as a failure, and he would make a positive difference in the early childhood education department.
Omni Prep Saga
In 2010, Cary Booker II, with Marc Willis, opened Omni Prep Academy Charter School. In their charter application, they promised to deliver a lot but didn’t live up to their standards since the school could not pay their kindergarten and first-grade teachers the following year. In terms of performance, Omni Prep got constantly ranked at or near the bottom.
There were not enough buildings in the school as it lacked funds to do some development. Cary Booker II often blamed the low enrollment as the reason why they were facing financial problems. Students often complained about lunch as they had to take cold lunches. Most parents were bitter and blamed Cary as they felt their children did not get the education they sought; some said they felt kids from other schools were ahead of theirs.
Omni Prep school was closed in 2016 by Shelby County Schools as the school could not meet even the basic standards.
Social Media
Cary Booker II has kept a low profile, as most of his pictures were posted by his brother. He is not active on social media platforms, but his brother is active on social media. For instance, Cory is on Instagram, with 1 million followers, and posted over two thousand times. Cary’s brother is also on Twitter, which he joined on August 2008, and has 4.9 million followers.