Things You Can Do To Make Your Cross-Country Move Easier

A great truth in life is that things are going to change and nothing ever remains the same. Keeping that in mind, there comes a time in almost every person’s life when they have to pack everything they own up and move house, saying good-bye to their old familiar neighbours and meet new people in a new place. No matter how you look at it, it’s going to be a bit of a stressful time, even if you are just moving across town, and more so if it is a cross-country relocation. Moving house is a big undertaking, but there are some things you can do that will help make it easier on you!

Hire A Reputable Removalist – If you are a college student and don’t have much stuff then sure, maybe you can DIY your move from flat to flat with the help of a few friends, and pay them with some beer and pizza when moving day is done, but if you have a long-term established residence you are bound to have accumulated a lot more worldly goods like books, knick-knacks, furniture, cookware, and appliances that are too heavy for you to lift alone, and too time-consuming for you to pack up by yourself! That’s when it’s time to find the best moving companies interstate who can help you make your big move in comfort, safety, and style! Check around to find one with a great reputation and let them do all the heavy lifting for you so you can concentrate on adjusting to a new home and neighbourhood!

Do The Paperwork – It’s important to remember to update your vehicle registration, driver’s license, insurance, etc. Let the post office know about your change of address. Make sure the utilities like power, water, phone & internet have all been arranged to be shut off when you leave, or transferred to the house’s new occupants.

Map Out Your New Home – Before you pack everything up to move, consider first where you are going to put it all in your new home! Is there enough space for that massive sectional sofa? Where are you going too store those boxes of things you just can’t part with but keep in boxes? This is going to help you a lot as you begin the packing process. If possible, use sticky notes to mark where things are going to go in the new house, for example, write “sofa” on a sticky and place it on the floor at its future location, this will be a huge help when the movers are carrying things in from the truck!

Take Inventory – Speaking of those boxes of things you just can’t part with, now is the perfect time to go through them and ask yourself if those items still spark joy, or if they could be sold in a yard sale to lighten your load. Make a complete inventory list of the things that are going so you can stay organized.

Packing Up Those Boxes – If you have wisely chosen to hire an expert removalist company then you can breathe a bit easier, they have all the boxes, tape, and packing materials necessary to pack everything up safely to avoid any damage on the trip. You can help by organizing it as much as possible in advance, and by preparing a packing list of the contents of each box along with its destination, for example, “Dishes, kitchen cabinet above sink”. Be sure to label all the boxes with your name and new address to avoid any possible confusion if your removalists are combining your move with another in the same area.

Have The Key In Hand – Be sure that you have the new home’s keys in hand before you make the move, even if they have to mail it to you! Imagine going to pick up the keys from the local real estate office only to find they have closed for the day due to an emergency, leaving you and your moving truck locked out! There are few things worse than moving a long distance only to find a locked door, then having to break into your own home!

If you are well prepared ahead of time and go with the pros to help you move, then it should be a breeze! Welcome to your new home!





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